Passumpsic Community
Baptist Church
Passumpsic, Vermont
an American Baptist Church


Founded 1811
Serving our Lord Jesus Christ for over 200 years

Passumpsic Community Baptist Church
Enter to Worship...Depart to Serve


Reverend Steve Clark
Steve's Email:


Sunday Worship Service
10:15 am - 11:30 am
(approximate ending time)

Sunday School
9:00 am - 10:00 am

(during regular academic calendar)



Church Mailing Address:
PO Box 126
Passumpsic, VT

Telephone 802-748-3993


Directions to our church:

Take Route 5 South, from Saint Johnsbury. Go past Union Baptist Church on left (very large building), in another mile, or so, head into Passumpsic and start slowing down as the church is on the left just at the sharp-right bend in the road. Make a left into the parking lot just beyond the church.


For further directions, click the following Google Maps Link (opens in a new window):





(Opens in new window)





American Baptist Churches
Vermont and New Hampshire


No pictures or text can be used from this website for any purpose public or private in any form or medium without express written permission of Passumpsic Community Baptist Church.  

Copyright 2009
Created:     September 23, 2009
Last Edit:    September 30, 2019 05:14